Kategorie: donna mckellar

donna lives in kalk bay, cape town. her inspirations for painting are many. light and shadows, architecture and geography, memory and emotion. she tries to capture moments and views that will take the viewer down a road, or along a path that evoke a feeling of having been there yourself. my paintings have been described as realistic impressionism and romantic realism, and more recently fractured realism (her own term). she aims to capture light and mood, that speak about the south african landscape and south african landscape and volumes about the human soul. donna has always been interested in art, from as early as she can remember she has been sketching and doodling. she studied at the johannesburg school of art, music and ballet and then spent one year studying at the fine arts college of johannesburg.after this she worked in various commercial art fields, from designing and silkscreening, package and logo design, to colour line animation for a film company where she coordinated scripts, layout design and the animations of 48 children's stories all done for sabc (all before the digital era we now know).moving on to the advertising and design world, she freelanced as an artist or art director for numerous advertising agencies and later, along side her sister, they opened up an advertising and design studio in 1990. donna was the art side, her sister was the brains and business side. she loved working with her and i loved the business. it grew from strength to strength but her desire to paint was growing stronger and she left the business in her sisters hands to start a new career in the fine art world of landscape painting.

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